Friday, October 9, 2009

To Be a Cat

What would it be like to be a cat? To sleep most of the day away perched in odd places.

desk 095

To sit and soak up the sun.
kitchen 024

To find amusement and excitement in everyday objects.

kitchen 008

To enjoy and smell and warmth of fresh laundry. (And leave cat fur all over said laundry.)

door 002

To spend hours staring out the window, enjoying the breeze and the smell of fresh cut grass.

housecatsscrap 031

To explore and investigate all small changes to see what they are all about.

lightswitchnightstand 019

To practice your roaring lion impression.

To see the world from a different angle.

And then end the day with another catnap.


  1. Oh so adorable!! I love this post. Your family is purrfect. These pictures are so fitting the words. I'll have to introduce you to my boys--some time. Have a great weekend.

  2. Lovely cats....adorable!


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